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Gen 26 - Sonic Deconstruction of Polynomial Coefficient [Void Singularity Recordings - 2019]

This rather lengthily and frankly pretentiously titled C40 severs up a selection of seared ‘n’ roasting noise matter that hovers somewhere between HNW, wallish noise, and dense harsh noise.

Gen 26 is a one-man project of Slovenian Matjaz Galicic. It’s been active since 2002- having around thirty-seven titles to his name- which take in a lot of splits, EP’s and one full-length release.  This C40 comes in an edition of twenty copies- with the clear green-shelled cassette coming in a green, white, and black sleeve.
The tape features four tracks in all- and these each run between five and twelve minutes. As most of the tracks have the word ‘live’ in their titles- I’m guessing most of this release is culled from live recordings, and they certainly sound that way too- as they are a densely roasting ‘n’ often twisting selection of noise works- that bring together low-to-mid ranged noise, with often fairly prevalent and searing/ slicing highs.
As long-time readers of M[m] will know I’m not the greatest fan of either wallish harsh noise, and or more painfully high tones in my noise- so as you can imagine I did find this release somewhat trying. Though that said, I must commend Gen 26's thick and caustically swirling sound.

The more set ‘wall’ moments are peppered through-out all of the tracks, but it’s not until the final track "Live @ Destroy All Artifacts 12.11.2017", when things feel totally satisfying to me. As we get a fairly uninterrupted flow of wall matter- with the track been built around churning-to-slightly bucking lows/mids. Texturally the feel of this ‘wall’ is somewhere between feasting & galloping- and I must say I rather like the thickly roasting vibe of the whole thing.
So in summing up Sonic Deconstruction of Polynomial Coefficient- I’d say if you're more of a harsh noise fan, who enjoys denser-at-times wallish noise I reckon you may take to this release. For me, too much of it cross the line between HNW and Harsh noise- but I’d certainly be up for hearing more material like the last track from the project.

Rating: 2 out of 5Rating: 2 out of 5Rating: 2 out of 5Rating: 2 out of 5Rating: 2 out of 5

Roger Batty
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