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Go to the Sophia website  Sophia - Herbstwerk [Cold Meat Industry - 2001]

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Sophia is the solo project of the male part of Arcana, Peter Pettersson. Last year’s self-titled debut took the CMI scene by storm and here’s already the third release in a year time under the same name, called "Herbstwerk".

"Herbstwerk" is the follow-up to "Aus Der Welt", a 10" released on Peter's own label Erebus Odora. Actually, "Aus Der Welt" is also included in the first 3000 copies of this album as a separate 3" CD, and is well worth the hurry. The package is indeed the first thing that doesn't go unnoticed. A digipack consisting of three parts (of which one includes the 3" CD), decorated with beautiful embossed pictures capturing the atmosphere of the album. But this is what you can expect from Cold Meat Industry, always high quality packaging.

So, Peter Petterson hasn't exactly stood still last year. Besides two full-lengths and a 10" he has also done several live shows, including a tour through Europe with Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio, Sephiroth and others, as well as a performance at the Wave Gothic Treffen in Germany. It seems that he has taken a break with Arcana for now, although Sophia certainly has some similarities with the most successful act on CMI. But Sophia is more than Arcana without vocals. It's still very neo-classical / medieval sounding, bombastic and melancholic. But Sophia is based upon heavy military percussions, and thus is far more rhythmic than any Arcana material. Martial music is what we call it, and comparisons with Der Blutharsch are quickly made. But besides Arcana and Der Blutharsch I also hear the neo-classical influences of Puissance in the music, and Sophia also comes close to some movie soundtracks. Good examples are the fantastic titletrack and "March Of Strength".

"Herbstwerk" is a great album and is recommended for Arcana fans who are tired of listening the same stuff over and over again. The listener won't get bored at all because of the constantly pounding acoustic percussion and the vast choirs and strings. A classic for Cold Meat Industry.

Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5

Justin Faase
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