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 Review archive:  # a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Go to the Revolver website  Revolver - The Unholy Mother Of Fuck [Music For Nations - 2002]

Surprised I was, but not by the unbelievable unexpected power and greatness of this album. That came afterwards. Surprised I was because this band is not from Sweden but from Germany, while sounding more Swedish than its Scandinavian colleagues. Quickly putting the image I got from the band from the front cover and the title aside, "The Unholy Mother Of Fuck" totally blew me away.

Revolver was formed by Carsten "Antek" Rudo (drummer of the German crossover band Such A Surge) and Lutz Buch. With no finished songs, no bass player and no vocalist they booked the Sunlight studios in Sweden together with Tomas Skogsberg as producer... Just before the recordings began they found the other two members of the band in the shape of Henrik Schwaninger (bass) and ex-Slapdash vocalist Jens Mortensen, of which the latter is the only Swede in the band. Totally unexpected the recordings turned out great and Music For Nations made a quick move on Revolver. That's the story so far.

So what's that Swedish-thing then? It's probably that sound the early death metal bands from that country created: Entombed, Edge Of Sanity, and countless other bands. A punky death 'n roll feeling with the unmistakably recognizable guitar sound. Revolver have reproduced this without caring about originality. "The Unholy Mother Of Fuck" is simply a combination of the old Entombed sound ("Left Hand Path" or "Clandestine") and the rock & roll atmosphere of Motörhead. But who's caring about originality when it rocks? Not me, anyway. Songs like "Broken Glass", "Instant Idiots" and "Sucks To Be You" have power, groove, humour and riffs that keep this music interesting even after a couple of listens. The only track that is different is the closing "1987", a 8 minute instrumental track that pushes the playing time up to almost 40 minutes, which is enough for this kind of release.

With a totally not-serious and "f**k everything" –attitude and this album Revolver has won my sympathy. If I'd be a band, I'd be Revolver.

Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5

Justin Faase
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