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JP Incorporated - Massage & Spa [Rope Worm - 2023]

First released in 2019 as a digital download Massage & Spa presents/ sells itself as a straight new age/ meditation record.  However there is something deeper/ below the surface going on here- as it lightly mocks/sends up the genre in both its sound use, the track naming & the general presentation. And I’d say there is most certainly an ambient/easy listening Vaporwave vibe going on here.

This new CD release of the album appears on Poland Warsaw’s Rope Worm. The disc comes presented first in a mini vinyl-like slip sleeve- then a card slip. On its front cover, we have the album's title surrounded by clip art of pink roses and flowers.  These also appear on the back cover- as well as blue bubbles- with the track listing, and a quote ‘The soundtrack to millions of messages worldwide’.  Also featured is a thin card slip- which features brief production notes- it was apparently recorded in LA in 2020. And pastel pink & blue illustrations of steps leading up to either a huge blue bubble or a key-shaped doorway set in a large shell. 
The album is only the second release from JP Incorporated ( aka John Peter Hasson). His only other release under the JP Incorporated banner is An Album Of Distinction- which appeared in 2009 on Comedy Central Records- and is seemingly a stand-up comedy record.  Though he has put out four albums & two EPs under the Pleaseeasaur banner- which is apparently abstract electronics- so more in tune with what we have here.
The CD takes in ten tracks in all- these have runtimes of four & seven minutes- with the tone moving between being subtly mocking, and more generally disorientating / unbalancing/mind-warping. On the album's first half we go from constantly bubbling water, lightly glitching simmer, and synth tone hoover ‘n’ climb of “Wet Pebbles in A Bowl”. Onto the glowing vibe weave, locked bird song tweet, and simmering/ gliding synth edges of “Warmed Towels”.
In its second half we move from “Privacy” with slowly climbing/ wavering retro synth bass meets gentle sub-tone spaceship simmer ‘n’ rattle. We have the overbearing warbling, gliding, and knocking oriental-sounding keys melody of “Selection Of Fine Body Oils” which is underfed by a blend of strange purring & sea against the shore rush. Or the overloaded & overwhelming “Hot Stones” which blends looped crashing waves, birds twitter, sustained key glow, and this snaking ‘n’ beading electro tone which from time to time slices into your sonic nerves with its subtle slices ‘n’ rattles.
I’ve only really lightly dipped my toes in the Vaporwave genre- and have always been rather curious/interested in what I’ve heard. But I’m certainly more familiar with mediative/ new age music- so it’s rather rewarding/ effective to see these tropes presented in the Vaporwave manner. This release is Ltd to just 300 copies- so if this sounds like your bag- act sooner, rather than later…more information/ and to purchase directly from here

Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5

Roger Batty
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