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Absolut Null Punkt - Metacompound [Important Records - 2006]

Absolut Null Punkt is collaboration between  Kazuyuki of KK. Null and Seijiro Murayama. It sounds nothing like KK Nulls other world sci-fi sound paintings, though it does retain some of look to the stars vibe. What we get is a refreshing mix of punked guitars, odd jazz cut ups, all over the place  percussion and  metallic  drone space scapes. It often  brings  to mind 50's  sci-fi  movie soundtracks  vibe  and in others moments freak  out spacey  Krautrock  jams- sometime bothe togeather. The project was original formed in 1984 then split up in 1987. A few years back the started to do shows together once more and this stands as their first album 19 years in the making.

On offer are three tracks  in all running the from around fifteen to  twenty mark each , each following a similar pattern- layered all over the place percussion, electrical discharged, jazzy come space rock  vibe. But don’t get me wrong there is variation here from to track to track – it’s just there tied to a very complex rhythmically structure. It’s  difficult to chose stand out tracks, because there all as good as each other. But I guess one of my favourites is track one Metacompound G2A- which starts off with sawing and grating avant jazz tones melded with all manner of percussive matter, that’s cut up and stuck back together at wrong angles. There’s also  a great echoed spacey vibe that grows and grows as the track develops almost like a sinister UFO circling your head. As  the track progresses it gets more and more freacked out building to a wonderful throbbing and dislocating rhythmically  spacey cut up, odd rock free jazz monster, that you really don’t want to end.

Really this stands as one of my favourite releasers That KK .Nulls been involved with; let’s hope we get the next releases sooner than the 19 years it took for this spacehead beauty to appear. Special mention must be given to the sleeve and packaging, it’s another Stephen O’Malley cover following on from the design he did for KK Null’s recent album on important, with similar tracing paper jewel case inlay layered with metallic ink. pictures of  rust or chemical reacted material for the front cover- overlaid with shapes, very nice.

Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5

Roger Batty
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