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Death In June - All Pigs Must Die [Tesco - 2001]On this highly anticipated new Death In June album Douglas P. has ended the cooperation with Albin Julius (Der Blutharsch / ex-The Moon Lay Hidden Beneath A Cloud) and returned to his roots musically speaking. But was this a good decision? The collaboration between Douglas P. and Albin Julius has produced very interesting releases. "Take Care And Control" (1998) and the mini-album "Operation Hummingbird" (2000) were the results of this. Both of them can best be described as experimental martial music, and were more then welcome for Death In June fans, like me. After all, we were all a bit tired of the acoustic folk with horns and other traditional instruments. The two classic works "But What Ends When The Symbols Shatter?" and "Rose Clouds Of Holocaust" are now more than six years old, and in between only re-releases and live albums saw the light of the day.So is this the album we've all been waiting for? No, it is certainly not. Death In June has returned to its roots and is the same old folk band again. Or at least for half the album. But instead of excellent songwriting, "All Pigs Must Die" sounds like it has been written and recorded in a few days. Nothing interesting, nothing new, just the same music but more boring than ever. Or at least for half the album. On the other half (from track 7) Douglas tried something new. Noisy industrial alike tracks, with a lot of distortion in the vocals, reminding me of NON. But as with the case of the first six tracks, it sounds like Douglas hasn't put an effort in it at all. Boring, very boring.I have never experienced putting off a Death In June album before it was finished, with this new album (which comes in a embossed "pigipak" by the way) this was certainly the case. I doubt it that fans of Death In June will leave this one out of their collection, but this must be one of the most disappointing releases of the year.     Justin Faase

|  | Death In June - All Pigs Must Die | On this highly anticipated new Death In June album Douglas P. has ended the cooperation with Albin Julius (Der Blutharsch / ex-The Moon Lay Hidden Beneath A ...
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