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Master Musicians of Bukkake - Totem Three [Important Records - 2011]

Here we have the third piece of the Totem trilogy from Master Musicians of Bukkake.  A little history, the band is a collective of Seattle based musicians from bands such as Diminished Men, Asva, Earth, Burning Witch and Sun City Girls to name but a few.  The music created is a mix of Middle Eastern, African and South Asian.  Throw in a bit of psychedelia, some amps and a few mantras and you have Master Musicians of Bukkake.

It would be easy to not take this group seriously just on their name alone, but that would be a major mistake.  While a band with a somewhat questionable name can be considered cute or a novelty Master Musicians of Bukkake back it up with eclectic compositions and skillful musicianship.

In the seven songs given to us we are enmeshed in an esoteric, mystical setting.  Wind chimes and bells float softly against tribal percussion and hand claps.  Horns and gongs intertwine easily between strumming acoustic guitars and feedback.  It all blends so perfectly and damn them for making it seem so effortless.  There are many layers and lots of contemplation to each song; together they make for a joyous and chill experiment. 

Thoughtful, quiet pieces compliment the more cosmic and sometimes downright 70’s prog moments.  It all makes for music that is lyrical, infectious and ethereal.  Totem Three may be the last of the trilogy, but let us hope that this imaginative collective continues their musical journey.

Rating: 5 out of 5Rating: 5 out of 5Rating: 5 out of 5Rating: 5 out of 5Rating: 5 out of 5

Viktorya Kaufholz
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