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Marcus Obst - day in dwarfs capital [Gruenrekorder - 2010]

Marcus Obst is a German sound artists, field recording manipulator and often playful sonic arranger who’s been active since 1997. “day in dwarfs capital” is his forth solo release, through he’s released twenty three releases under his most know project Dronæment- he’s also involved in the following projects Oscillator, D.Rhythm:O & Marcus Murkes.

Though only recently released the single fifty three minute track on offer here dates back to 2005. The picec’s title  is extremely apt as it’s built from tiny and often speeding field recording elements that Mr Obst uses to creating this wonderful alien, tiny and often playful piece of sound art, which gives one the feeling of visiting an active and busy dwarf city.

The piece mixes together the following elements in a intrigue yet quite open and offten distant sound soup: sped -up racing track sounds, buzz saw or drill textures, all manner of scuttling that sometimes rhythmic ,  baby bird like cheeping and murmurs, longer mechanical like drones, a few very subtle harmonic elements along the way too, and all manner of often sped up sonic textures.  The piece is quite active, yet it’s also often strangely soothing and relaxing in its distant busyness. Obst keeps the track both pleasing, varied and entertaining through-out it’s near on hour runtime as it busily and often playfully whizzers, darts and clamours around you.

So “day in dwarfs capital” is certainly quite an original, detailed and intriguing take on the sound art genre, and it’s made me egger to track down more of Mr Obst work. So if your enjoy sound art with a playful, quirky and active edgy this is certainly worth a look

Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5

Roger Batty
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