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Go to the Braaxtaal website  Braaxtaal - Dworr Buun [Kontrans - 2001]

The Dutch musician Jaap Blonk has been experimenting with sounds for quite some time, in all kinds of musical areas. Braaxtaal is one of the many projects Jaap Blonk is involved in, together with Rob Daenen and Theo Bodewes. The group already exists since 1987, and released three CDs so far. "Dworr Buun" is the latest output, released by Jaap Blonk's own label Kontrans.

Jaap Blonk's main instrument is his voice. He produces strange tones with his pronunciation organs, processes the samples with computer algorithms of which he conducts the variables in real time. In combination with other electronic sounds and experimental percussion work, it produces an interesting result. "Dworr Buun" is a widespread web of complex beats, strange electronic sounds, vocal samples and the poetry recited by Jaap Blonk.

I'm convinced that these poems carry a message, but I guess we'll never now what it exactly is, since they are written in the language of Onderland (Underland), Onderlands. A strange country it is, although it is a possible synonym of The Netherlands. Onderlands sounds a little like Dutch too, but it is too weird to understand. But I'm getting curious what the meaning is of lyrics like Tekretteta faffe te koekela dast. Nokenamuu te rizoo za gruunte. Selegtega mache un hoenda rast. Woulekatuu dumloo befruunte.. Track titles like "Zood Vooiig", "Riekeleu Vuisma" and "Hoe Tarr" are no exception here.

Although my description may rise the suspicion that this is too experimental to be audible, "Dworr Buun" certainly falls into the category of "real" music. The beats are multifarious but stay in the 4/4 techno region, like in "Hoe Tarr", or sometimes a bit jazzy, as in the final track "Dongstra". This creates somewhat catchy songs, and if the lyrics were in a more convenient language, you'll certainly sing along after a while. The production is clear, and because of that all the electronic effects are easy to hear. Still the album has a really organic and natural feeling because of the use of vocal samples and the recitations of the poems.

"Dworr Buun" is a strange, but excellent work of experimental electronic music. The verbal work of Jaap Blonk is both impressive and fascinating. The only flaw I could think of is that the album does not include the course "Onderlands". Follow the link above to his website to check where to get "Dworr Buun", which comes in a nice digipack by the way.

Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5

Justin Faase
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