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Mouthus - Follow This House [Important Records - 2007]

Follow This House feels like it's driping and oozing of cooling tar into your very being, the sound feels like it’s slowly winding down, but never fully reaching a stop- it feels like going round a round an every descending slide but never hitting bottom. One can define guitar elements, electronics and erratic percussion, but it’s melted together to make this heavy and limb weigh down stew of sound.

I guess you could call it a mix of slowed noise; drone and avant guitar craft meets crude electronics and sludge tones. Really manage to weave a sound that is very much their own, this is music to sit hunched barely able to move with, or  stepping out in to unbearable suns heat it drain all your power to move. The album only last near on 40 minutes, but seems double that time as track by track you get pulled father and father into it’s slow weaving heart beat and slow sucking breaths. Like a first try to walk in quick sand, then just trying to keep your head above the surface, your limbs weighing so heavy. But though all the sludge and melting tone  surface- there are wonky often engrossing melodies traces and percussion matter, doted here and there like flags of hope on safe ground you’ll never get to  in the sucking mire. By the last track Half-thaw all  is lost, the track is  striped to the bone of hope. Sounding for the most part like a huge vehicle trying to get out of a muddy bog like scarp yard, the revering and grating of the engine and the slipping and burning of tires.The more it trys to pull it's self out the deeper and deeper it gets

A punishing and draining album, that starts with offers of some hope of salvation but slow but surely sucks you in deeper and deeper into it’s sludgy lightless void. Leaving you drained unable to move as it slides away.

Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5

Roger Batty
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