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Melaine Dalibert - Night Blossoms [Elsewhere Music - 2021]

Night Blossoms is the 7th full-length album from this highly talented French pianist and composer. It’s a six-track CD release that finds the Frenchman once more offer up a highly compelling and entrancing collection of tracks- that are both moodily felt and beautifully played.

The release appears on Elsewhere Music- a US label that focuses on quietly compelling improv, modern composition, and modern classical music.  The CD comes presented in a mini card gatefold- this features a series of abstracted and hazed circles, which nicely picks up the often cascading and circular feel of many of the tracks with-in. So, a nicely sparse-but-effectively arty bit of packaging.

The album opens with the light and bright shambling vibes like notation of “a Rebours”- which very much brings to mind moments of joyful if time hazed memories of childhood wonder and simpler times.  With Dilbert wonderful blurring the piano keys into a warming and lulling cascade of sound.

As we move through the album we come to the taut and pacy toning flow of “Eolian Scape”- which is built around both seemingly constantly churning rush of mid-range keys, which ever so often are darted by sudden ripples of subtle harmony and dramatic build. There’s the rolling persistence and almost galloping wall of sound like feel of “sisters”- with Dalibert imparting his playing with a feel of both urgent machine-like repetition and earthy locked swagger- like an old west pianist doing their take on duelling banjos.

The album is finished off with the wondering felt and delicate “Yang” with gently and lulling darts of mid-to-high notion, which is quietly nestled in reverberations and knocking ambience. A heart-melting & beautiful end to this rather wonderful album.

Once again Night Blossoms highlights why Dalibert is one of the most effortlessly talented and subtlety creative pianists at work today. The compositions and Dalibert's playing are as always immaculate, yet deeply felt and nuanced.  Certainly, the albums is one of the lullingly enchanting highlights of 2021, and if you enjoy any type of piano music this is a must!. To buy direct from Elsewhere please head over to here

Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5

Roger Batty
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