Death Unit - Infinite Death [Important Records - 2007]Death Unit brings together the considerable noise talents of Carlos Giffoni on electronics, Chris Corsano & Trevor Tremaine(Hair Police) on double drum attack and Brian Sullivan (Mouthus) on guitar. All brewed up together to make a fine take-no-prisoners, violent improvised psychedelic noise rock trip to hell. The disk is split into two unnamed tracks,the first one recorded in the studio, the second one recorded live. Both tracks are alive with shredding electronics that slice down to the bone, chugging scab incrusted guitar and loads of rattle your skeletal frame drumming. This really is a seething bloody nose all out attack, expertly recorded then mastered by James Plotkin, so you feel and hear every rough, heavy and shape edge of each instrument of sound torture. Track one is the studio based track, starting with a nice joint smashing heads drum solo attack, before Giffoni harsh scuttling/burning electronics and Brian Sullivain screaming and sawing guitar tone rips in and so the track twist away for fourteen demented minutes like been throw into a twisting and breathless bar room brawl, all Flailing legs and arms and sweaty body blows. Track two is the live track and starts off with nice grey and grainy electronic throbbing clouds, like slipping into a grimy dream were the only colours other than black and white you see are blood reds. The guitar joins in as the sound slowly stalks around you in psychotic delight, the drums appear but are kept to the minimal with slow building cymbal slides, like unwinding of bloody hair around the guitar and electronics- before really making the presences felt, but never to hem them in more to building on the throb and boiling primal rock sound. I think Track two stands as my favourite of the two, as it builds up in a nice grey sleazy manner, slowly adding more depth and complexities of sound and tone. A raging bull to slow blood dripping torturer of an album, that first bodily throws you about the room, then slaps you on a cold morgue slab and slowly gets down to the teeth pulling, eye gorging work. Rock music as it’s most violent and bloody.      Roger Batty