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Ottone Pesante - Scrolls Of War
Ottone Pesante are an Italian metal band with the unusual distinction of creating all of their instrumental tones with brass instruments (barring the drums)....
211024   Ottone Pesante - Scrolls Of W...
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171024   The Valley of the Bees - The ...
161024   Cemetery Man - Cemetery Man(U...
161024   The Creature - The Creature( ...
Latest Articles

David Kerekes Interview - Into Th...
This year saw the fine folks at Headpress releasing Cannibal Error by David Kerekes & David Slater- the truly definitive and wholly fascinating chro...
011024   David Kerekes Interview - Int...
030924   Tim Ritter Interview - Shot O...
100724   Radiance Films Interview - Le...
300524   Interview With Renaldo M/ Bri...
140524   The Wall Noise Of Hana Haruna...
280324   The Music of Clay Ruby & Buri...
290224   Sutcliffe No More - Normal Ev...
100124   Occlusion - The Operation Is...
181223   Best Of 2023 - Music, Sound &...
051223   Powerhouse Films - Of Magic, ...
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